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和尚 僧侣情景_英尼斯油画作品欣赏
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内米湖景色Lake Nemi_英尼斯油画作品欣赏
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作品名称: 和尚 僧侣情景_英尼斯油画作品欣赏

和尚 僧侣情景The Monk_1873_乔治·英尼斯油画作品欣赏。


The Monk is one of his most haunting works and among the finest paintings of the nineteenth century. The setting for this extraordinary landscape is thought to be a particularly secluded corner of the grounds of the Villa Barberini, near Castel Gandolfo, a summer residence of the pope located some fifteen miles south of Rome. As in Lake Nemi, Inness pictures a solitary, cowled monk, a staff in his hand, strolling the grounds of an enclosed garden. He is dwarfed, first, by a tall stone wall, behind him and again by a bank of extremely tall, slender Italian pines in the middle distance. Although Italian pines are common features around Rome and the Marches, and although Inness had painted the Villa Barberini on many occasions, only in The Monk does he set the dark shapes of the pine arbors so effectively against a glowing yellow-ocher sky. By using unified brush marks to diminish nearly to eliminate details within these arbors, Inness devised these natural forms as abstract patterns of interconnected ensiform shapes. He must have been particularly delighted by the way in which they create, at their upper edge, a lissome, serpentine line of vivid beauty.

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