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作品名称: 月光下的海景,月光照耀的海上风景油画_史蒂文斯油画作品欣赏

月光下的海景,月光照耀的海上风景油画moonlit seascape-1892_阿尔弗雷德·埃米尔·利奥波德·史蒂文斯油画作品欣赏。



史蒂文斯在月光下描绘的大海,让人想起17世纪荷兰和佛兰德的夜景传统,以及约瑟夫·韦尔内(Joseph Vernet, 1758-1836)在月光下的海景,当时这两幅画正在卢浮宫展出。史蒂文斯和他的朋友爱德华·马奈(Edouard Manet, 1832-83)都拥有一幅阿尔特·范德尼尔(Aert van der Neer, 1603/4-77)的《月光下的伦恩》(clair de lune),马奈在1869年创作了一幅夜间海景画《布洛涅港的月光》(Moonlight over Boulogne Harbour, 1869)(奥赛博物馆,巴黎),当它在1872年被商人保罗·杜兰-鲁尔(Paul Durand-Ruel)买下时,它就在史蒂文斯的工作室里。

In 1880 Stevens was advised to take the sea air as a remedy for a bronchial condition allegedly caused by breathing turpentine fumes. Acting on this advice he began spending two months of each year on the Normandy coast. During these visits he painted seascapes and the hotel society of the seaside resorts. By this time his reputation was such that the dealer Georges Petit guaranteed to pay the artist 50 000 francs for his output of seascapes per season.

The exact location of the scene in the Australian National Gallery's painting remains unknown. The seascapes exhibited by Stevens at the Salon de Mar in 1892 were painted in the Le Havre-Honfleur area of Normandy, at the mouth of the Seine, while those exhibited in May 1893 were painted at Loctudy, in the west of Brittany. The inclusion of a steamer in the Gallery's painting indicates that the more populous Normandy coast is the likely location.

Stevens' depiction of the sea by moonlight evokes the tradition of seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish nocturnal landscapes and the moonlit seascapes of Joseph Vernet (1758-1836) which were then on view in the Louvre. Stevens himself owned a 'clair de lune' by Aert van der Neer (1603/4-77), as did his friend Edouard Manet (1832-83), whose own painting of a nocturnal seascape, Moonlight over Boulogne Harbour 1869 (Musée d'Orsay, Paris), was in Stevens' studio when it was purchased by the dealer Paul Durand-Ruel in 1872.

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